The Honors College Dean wants to hear from you. Represent your fellow honors students in discussions with the dean as a member of the Honors Student Advisory Board (HSAB).

What Do HSAB Members Do?

As an HSAB member, you'll:

  • Meet with the dean of the Honors College to discuss the college's goals, issues, and initiatives

  • Contribute ideas, feedback, and the student perspective to enhance the social, professional, and academic aspects of the honors experience

  • Attend meetings with the dean every two weeks on Mondays from noon to 12:45 pm throughout the academic year

  • Wear your HSAB polo shirt, provided to you by the Honors College, to all HSAB meetings

  • Wear your honors shirt every Wear Honors Wednesday-a weekly honors tradition where students wear their honors shirt each Wednesday to show their honors pride and represent the college on campus

How to Become a Member of HSAB

You must apply and interview to become an HSAB member. The dean selects both current honors students and new honors students at the beginning of each fall semester. All HSAB members serve through the end of the winter semester. Members should expect to attend meetings with the dean every two weeks on Mondays from noon to 12:45 pm. To retain HSAB membership, you must reapply each academic year. The HSAB includes students from across NSU's academic majors to reflect the different perspectives, needs, and experiences of honors students.

To qualify for HSAB membership, you must:

  • Be a member of the Farquhar Honors College

  • Be in good standing in the Honors College

  • Have at least two remaining semesters (one academic year) at NSU

  • Submit a self-nomination explaining your qualifications and interest

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“Serving on the HSAB was a great experience! I enjoyed meeting like-minded students who bounced ideas off each other and pushed each other to be better students and leaders for ourselves and our communities. I also have to thank the dean for always supporting me, hearing our students, and providing us with so many opportunities."

Alexandra Lugo | B.S. in Behavioral Neuroscience


  • Audrey Anand
  • Nouha Belghmi
  • Ayush Desai
  • Catherine Holen
  • Maggie Luo
  • Fidel Pérez Pujols
  • Laura Raynshteyn
  • Mahalaxmi Some
  • Nathan Tinu
  • John Voudouris